
DefibrillatorThe Defibrillator is in a Yellow box adjacent to the school entrance. First responders have the code required to open this when required.

If you believe someone has suffered from a heart attack or has total heart failure YOU MUST CALL 999 AS YOUR 1ST PRIORITY and be guided by the Operator as to what to do next.

Then, if possible: 

Either: If you are in the "NM Defib" WhatsApp group, type "HELP" + "YOUR HOUSE NAME OR ADDRESS", then send the message. All First Responders will be alerted.

Or: Phone a First Responder from the list below:

Dr. Ruth Clarke: 07967 327366 (Moor End) 

Dr. Cat Sinclair: 07919 828566 (South View)

Dr. Nick Gaunt: 01423 313018 / 07587 226336 (Pub side Green)

Mandy Gordon: 01423 331643 / 07733 308261 (School side Green)

Lorna or Graham Scott: 01423 330366 / 07772 223420 (School side Green)

Richard Watters: 07860 892015 or Angela Hunter: 07519 095815 (Pub side Green)

Lesley Brown: 01423 331204 / 07900 214525 (Pub side Green)

Hopefully you will never need this list, but we advise that you print and keep a copy in a memorable place.